How do I get a business or organization featured on this website?
Email with ideas for articles. That would be great!
Where can I find an apartment for rent/lease in Mountain View?
Elan, Montrose, and Park Place are all within walking distance of over a hundred restaurants. I’ve been on a tour of all of those complexes and they were very nice. Here’s a link to all the apartment complexes that are members of the Chamber of Commerce.
How can I find a place to have a meeting in Mountain View?
Here’s a list of possibilities from the Chamber of Commerce.
How can I find a tech job in Mountain View? Start by updating your profile on LinkedIn. Here’s an article that should be helpful. Check, do a Google search for “job in Mountain View” or the jobs section of the Chamber of Commerce.
How can I find a non-tech job in Mountain View? Check, do a Google search for “job in Mountain View” or the jobs section of the Chamber of Commerce.
What’s going on in Mountain View this weekend?
Here’s the Chamber’s event calendar, the city’s event calendar, the Mountain View Voice Community Calendar, and the Downtown event calendar.
How can I find out more about the Mountain View Art & Wine Festival?
Here’s a link that has all the answers, including how to become a food vendor, artist, band, or sponsor of the festival.
Where can I get a printed/paper map of Mountain View?
The Chamber of Commerce has printed maps. They’re part of the city guide that the Chamber prints every year. It’s a slick magazine that includes a directory of all the Chamber members. Stop by the Chamber of Commerce at 580 Castro Street to get one.
Can you recommend a hotel/motel in Mountain View?
Here’s a list from the Chamber of Commerce website.
Can I advertise on
Yes, advertising opportunities are available. Please email