How to get a pothole fixed.
The pothole that WAS right beside my parking spot…
If you have questions for the city of Mountain View, anything from how to get a pothole filled, to downtown parking questions, to buying tickets for a play at Center for the Performing Arts, to dog park rules, you can easily get answers and here how: Ask Mountain View.
It works unbelievably well! There was a pothole on my street, right beside my parking spot. Everyday for a month, I watched the hole get bigger and bigger, and I swept up the gravel and chunks of pavement that were all over the street and bike lane. I could even hear the tiny rocks hitting my car, that was parked about 8 feet from it.
Finally, I went to the city website, and clicked on the Ask Mountain View button. It’s in the upper right corner from the city’s homepage. The system directs you to the proper department, and even shows you a bunch of sample questions that they think you might have, and what the answers are. If your question isn’t already on the list, it lets you type it, and also upload a photo. This picture of the pothole is what I uploaded to them. I think you should always add a photo, so everyone knows exactly what you’re talking about.
You can even ask questions anonymously.
Check it out! They came right away and fixed it! And they didn’t even mind that I was taking photos of them!
Within 48 hours a street crew was on my block, fixing all the holes. I ran out and took a photo of them working on my pothole. I feel like the city listened and responded immediately. The city employees even knew exactly which pothole was the one that got the complaint.
I’m grateful to live in a community that has such outstanding services. Yes, it costs a lot to live here, but you also get to live in a city that has the resources to make things happen. Thank you Mountain View for fixing my pothole and for listening.