Is There Anything Mountain View Can't Do? And How To Get More Involved.

I went to a FuEL SV (Future Emerging Leaders of Silicon Valley) at BESV and had the best time. If you don’t know about FuEL SV, it’s a young professionals group that is a partnership between the Los Altos, Mountain View & Sunnyvale Chambers of Commerce. The Mountain View Chamber manages it. You can find out about their events via Meetup.
It feels different from regular Chamber events. First of all, there’s Jenga and Cornhole. And at this particular event, since it was at a Mountain View company that makes ebikes, everyone was test riding the different styles of bikes. I’ve been to plenty of Chamber events, and this one was one of my favorites.
BESV will be at Technology Showcase with their bikes, so you can test ride them too. Technology Showcase is on July 16. It’s a lunch time event, so bring your colleagues. It’s on the plaza in front of Mountain View city hall. About 50 local tech companies will be showing their latest inventions and gadgets to the community, everything from missions to space, delivery robotics, 3D printing, VR gaming, ebikes and much more. You’ll see product demos and meet the decision-makers. There will be children's activities and a Food Court (Bean Scene, HeyO! Eats, and Oren's Hummus).
This is the 5th Technology Showcase that Mountain View has had and it gets better every year. It’s really the only time that members of the community get to meet the people who are working on inventions that are changing our community (and the entire world), unless you actually know someone who works at one of those companies. The public can’t just walk in the door and start asking questions. Tech Showcase is your chance to ask away. And it’s free!
These are the participants that you can expect: BESV, NASA Ames Research Center, Nova, Nuro, Redlines, Respond, Spot On, Starship, Waymo, Blue Jeans, Blue Otter, Darfon, Facebook (Oculus Quest), LinkedIn, Hitachi Chemical, Intuit, Spartan Robotics, Jinxbot 3D Printing, Pomodoro Architects, Picture Lab, Techcode, KMVT, Mountain View Chamber of Commerce, City of Mountain View, and Mountain View Police Department.
That’s a pretty impressive group of vendors.
So here’s your homework if you want to get more involved in our community: Put Technology Showcase on your calendar, and connect with FuEL SV on Meetup. Tech Showcase is July 16th, from 11:30-3:00.
I love Mountain View.